What’s on the menu?

The rates listed below are for outcall; there is an additional fee of 150 for incall.

90 minute date | $850

2 hour date | $1100

3 hour date | $1600

4 hour date | $2000

6 hour date | $2400

Overnight fun | $4000 (includes 8h sleep)

Weekend getaway | $8000 (includes 8h sleep and 90 minutes of solo “introvert time” daily)

1 hour date | $600 (for established friends only)

I also offer social dates for 50% of the regular rates listed above. To keep things simple, I define a social date as one in which we spend all of our time in public (hiking, dancing, dining, bungee jumping …). If there is any private/intimate time, please use my regular rates.

With burgeoning research showing the potential benefits of psychedelics, more and more people are becoming curious about using psilocybin (magic mushrooms) or MDMA (molly, ecstasy) for mental health and personal growth. These substances do not seem to produce reliable changes when used casually or recreationally; rather, their benefits are maximized when they are used with clear therapeutic intentions, in a safe and peaceful setting, with a trusted guide.

And who better to act as a trusted guide than an attractive woman with a calming presence, a nonjudgmental attitude, and a knack for connecting with people and understanding their desires?

I offer psychedelic guidance for those seeking to heal and to explore their own minds. I am familiar with the protocols used in clinical trials, and I recommend adhering to them as closely as possible.

Packages start at $3000 and include the following:

  • 1.5 to 2-hour preparation session (education on process, risks, and benefits, and intention-setting)
  • Half-day medicine session (usually 6 hours)
  • 1.5 to 2-hour integration session the day after the medicine session
  • Optional 30-minute phone check-in one week later

Many people benefit from two or three medicine sessions spaced about one month apart. Additional medicine and integration sessions start at $2000.

Preparation and integration sessions can take place outcall, incall, or in a peaceful public setting (e.g., a park, a coffee shop). The medicine session should take place somewhere that feels safe and comfortable to you. Additional fees apply for incall sessions.

I offer sliding-scale services to others who work in the industry.

Disclaimer: I am not acting as a medical professional. I suggest that individuals planning to use substances consult with a healthcare provider before doing so. I do not sell or administer these substances, nor do I advocate for their use. (You’ll need to bring your own.) I am simply offering a harm reduction service to individuals who are already planning to use MDMA or psilocybin, with the goal of enhancing the substance’s benefits and protecting the user’s safety.

I love to travel, so I want to make it easy for you! I offer three tiers of flat fees for FMTY within the US:

  • $500 for Oregon and Eastern WA (3h minimum date)
  • $1100 for other regions in the Pacific and Mountain time zones (4h minimum date)
  • $1600 for Central and Eastern time zones (4h minimum date)

I eagerly welcome inquiries about international travel.

Touring rates are my standard outcall rates plus $100.